May 20, 2021

Our Living Hope

Overview: 1 Chronicles 13-16, John 7:53-8:20

1 Chronicles retells the story of King David, showing that his true priority is the worship of the Lord, the God of Israel. David retrieves the ark of the covenant and brings it to Jerusalem, symbolizing God’s presence in the capital city of the united kingdom. 

In John, the Pharisees bring a woman caught in adultery to Jesus to test Him. Jesus responds to their challenge with truth and love, showing mercy to the woman and forgiving her sins.

Observation and Activation

Chronicles retells the story of Israel before the exile to provide hope for God’s purpose for them as a holy nation. 

In John, Jesus continues to offer hope with his message of grace and justice. 

Look back on your life and reflect on how God gave you hope for something that later came to be. What are some future hopes in your life that God is stirring in your heart?

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  • Read My Bible: Daily devotional sent via text from 6-7am
