Everything you need to know about Daniel

If you grew up in Sunday School, you probably heard about Daniel and the lion’s den. A young man named Daniel finds himself in trouble with a crazy king, gets thrown to a hungry lion, and is miraculously rescued by God. 

It’s a great story. But unlike a lot of stories we learned as kids, the stories we read in the Bible are real. 

Daniel was a real man, who experienced real miracles. When we understand who Daniel was, the culture he was living in, and the events happening around him, we start to see how his story fits into the big story God has been writing since the beginning of time. 

Understanding the context changes how we read the Bible. That’s why we created Bible Need To Know, a recurring feature that looks at the story behind the stories in the Bible. 

Use these devotionals as you read through the book of Daniel. We’d love to hear what you’re learning along the way! Send us an email at editorialteam@newspring.cc


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