How will you change the world?

Never underestimate the impact of your obedience. Ananias’ prayer changed the world forever. Saul, a former murderer of Christians, became Paul, a Christian who eventually wrote most of the New Testament and became the most influential person in the Church’s sake. However, before all of that could happen, one man was asked by God to take a step of obedience.
God called Ananias to pray for Saul’s healing after God had blinded Saul. Going to meet Saul could cost Ananias his life. The only thing he knew about Saul was that Saul had arrested and executed Christians across the region. Ananias was probably hoping he would never have to meet Saul face to face. In fact, Ananias’ first response was to remind God why he should not have to obey, but Ananias obeyed; because of that one step of obedience, millions of lives were changed.

Obedience seems impossible sometimes

We so easily slip in to the false belief that God is not really in control of the future and does not know what is best for us. We may never verbalize this belief, but anytime we refuse to step out in obedience, we are making it clear that we don’t think God knows what’s best. Obedience is seemingly impossible for us at times, but when our obedience seems impossible, our God assures us that, with Him, anything is possible.

Your next step could change the world

Despite what your circumstances may be, and no matter what fears you have to face, God is good and God can be trusted. Don’t let your circumstances or your comfort cause you to miss out on what God wants to do in your life. Listen to God, and do what He says. God will use your obedience to change the world.

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  • KidSpring Scoop:Email sent each Friday with the scoop on what's happening in KidSpring.
