The survivor’s guide to parenting during the holidays

A lot of the magic of the holidays is tied to cherished childhood memories.

Perhaps you remember dressing the tree with mom, playing games at family get-togethers, baking goodies with dad, or tearing the wrapping on the gift you’d bugged your parents about for weeks?

Those thick, syrupy recollections — or the lack of them — are probably the reason you want to do things right now you’ve got children of your own.

But your enjoyment of the season doesn’t have to be buried in a snowdrift of questions and anxieties.

Check out our best wisdom and tips on how to handle the unique challenges of being a parent during the holiday season in ways your kids will be thankful for in decades to come.

1. Watch the Christmas story with your kids

This NewSpring retelling of Jesus’ birth from Luke 2 is a mixture of live action and animation. Your kids will learn the true meaning of Christmas, and you’ll captivate their imagination. Watching this together as a family is a tradition worth making. (See tip No. 5!)

2. How to fight back when greed grabs hold of your kids at Christmas

Let’s be real: Kids want everything. And they want everything now. It’s a battle all right, just not one you have to lose.

3. How to teach your kids to be thankful

The healthiest kids (and adults) are the ones that learn early in life, “It’s not about you.” Teach your little ones about the heart of celebration, and it will be the gift that keeps on giving.

4. You don’t have to make everyone happy this Christmas

Sure, your kids depend on you to feel loved and safe. But happy? You don’t have to live hostage to anyone’s emotions. Here’s the key to setting yourself free!


RELATED: The survivor's guide to staying sane during the holidays 


5. How to find your family traditions

Making the holidays memorable isn’t about making them Hallmark movie-perfect. Make them meaningful on your terms. Pro Tip: Bake up some yummy treats + use these cute gift tags to teach your kids what it means to bless others!

6. Am I a bad parent if I don’t buy my kids a smartphone for Christmas?

Tech gifts have caused parents anxiety since the (original) Atari. Here’s a three-step process to help you sort out whether it’s time to put one under the tree.

7. Disciplining with grace

Meltdowns are gonna happen. Here’s how to stop them destroying your joy.

8. Five tips to enjoy Christmas gatherings with kids

Let’s face it: Even adults can struggle to make it through seasonal gatherings! So why wouldn’t tiny humans? A little bit of preparation helps ... 

9. What should I tell my kids about Santa Claus?

The struggle is real, even you don’t think he is.

P.S. We all know Christmas is filled with teachable moments with your kids. But the best lessons might be the ones you can learn from them.

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