Top resources on depression

Depression can last a day, a week, a season, or even be a lifelong battle. Although depression feels like darkness you can’t get out from underneath, Jesus has the power to break through that darkness.

Our Best Resources on Depression

1. What if God never heals my depression? [article]

God is a God of healing and restoration, but what if you’ve asked Him to heal your depression and He hasn’t? Discover ways to keep a grasp on hope in Jesus when you’re battling depression.

2. If it’s OK not to be OK, then why do I feel so guilty and depressed? [article]

“I was under the impression that a fully devoted follower of Jesus didn’t struggle with depression and anxiety.” Lindsay tells her story of how she discovered the taste of victory in God is sweeter than the darkness of depression.

3. My success was killing me [story]

In the lowest part of his life, Jonathan thought “If I watch church online before I kill myself, maybe God will have mercy on me.” At that moment, Jonathan saw he wasn’t too broken for God to love him.

4. Rejection by the church nearly destroyed me [story]

Anna built up many walls when her childhood church rejected her family after her brothers took a route toward drugs. Her parents started attending NewSpring and found hope in God they had been looking for. Knowing their daughter was struggling with a daily fight of anxiety and depression, they kept inviting her to service every Sunday.

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