Top resources on parenting

Children don't come with an instruction manual, but we do have the Bible and an open line of communication through prayer with God. He desires a life of abundance for you and your children.

Our Best Resources on Parenting

1. 30 ways you can pray for your child [study]

We all desire good things for our children. This study will take you through a month's worth of topics you can pray about for your child.

2. Is my child ready for salvation? [article]

Have you wondered if your child is ready to accept Jesus into their heart? Do they really understand that they’re saying yes to salvation? This article walks you through practical ways to teach your child the truth about who the Lord is, and helps you know how to guide them when they respond to Jesus as He speaks to their heart.

3. The survivor’s guide to parenting elementary school kids [article]

You survived middle-of-the-night feedings, crying fits, and diaper disasters. Use this collection of articles as you shepherd your kid through the next phase of their life adventure. (If your kids are older, check out this guide for parents of middle schoolers and this one for parents of high school students.)

4. The survivor’s guide to parenting when your kids are grown [article]

When the season of day-to-day parenting winds down, what comes next? We put together a survival guide to help you get a start on answering that big question.

5. How a “bad-kid” made a surprising turn around [story]

Zach’s mom was distraught over the route her son had taken in life. After multiple breaking points of drugs, dealing, and expulsion from school, she knew that she had to take action.

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