Session 7

Am I worshipping idols?

From Jeremiah: A 33-Day Devotional


Jeremiah 7

Some people treat the church as a check off on a list of places to see and things to do. Others think it’s where they are supposed to be if they are in the right crowd. Others wouldn’t be caught dead there—unless it’s at their own funeral.

In Jeremiah 7, God warned those who misused and mocked the church:

“‘Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which bears my Name, and say, ‘We are safe’—safe to do all these detestable things“ (Jeremiah 7:9-10)?

It seems unlikely that we would build idols and worship other gods today. But isn’t that what we do when we ignore God’s commands on Wednesday and come to church on Sunday pretending we’ve done nothing wrong? Do we think we can hide our sin from God?

We make modern day idols anytime we chose sin, social status or selfishness over listening to God and doing what He says. An idol is not just a wooden figurine; it’s anything or anyone that has more authority in our lives than Jesus.

The church is a place to worship God. It is a safe place to ask God to forgive us when we do wrong and to ask for His help in living as He wants us to. When we obey God, He can bless us as He has promised to.


  • Is there any area of your life where you care more about what someone thinks than what God says?
  • What are two to three modern day idols you see in the community around you? What’s one way you can protect your heart from falling into idolatry?
  • We can appear to have it all together in front of friends and family. But we cannot hide from God. If you need  to confess sin and find freedom to begin a new life in Jesus, the church is still a ‘safe place’ that can help you take that next step. Talk to your Group Leader or email us at

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