Session 22

Are you playing it safe?

From Matthew: A 28-Day Devotional


Matthew 25

No matter how much you love your computer, give it time and inevitably, something will go wrong and you'll discover the magic of Ctrl+Alt+Del. As the computer restarts, it goes into “safe mode." Safe mode is designed to help fix most, if not all, problems with the operating system. Safe mode is designed to be temporary, not a permanent way of operating. But too often, we'll try to live our lives like a computer in safe mode. 

That's what happened with the workers in Matthew 25:14-30. Three workers had the choice to either play it safe or make a move. As each was called to stewardship and faithfulness, only two of the workers seized the opportunity to capitalize on the talents given them. As a result, the two workers received a double portion of their investment and were highly praised for their faithfulness. The third worker, however, made the choice to do nothing. This worker decided to play it safe, and he buried his portion. The lazy worker was not only severely rebuked and punished, but the resources given him were also taken away and distributed to one of the faithful workers.

As we anticipate the Lord’s return, let us remain faithful to what God has entrusted in us. As believers, we can either play it safe or we can take action. As we follow Jesus, we should not linger in “safe mode,” but instead, we should move forward in productivity.


  • Is there any area of your life where you're operating in safe mode? What is keeping you from taking action?
  • We are called to make wise investments with what the Lord has given us. What's one way you can better manage your time, talent, or money to bring glory to God?

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