Session 17

Listen to God and do what He says

From Numbers: A 5-Week Devotional


Numbers 17

The Bible’s big, overarching story speaks to every person’s struggle to acknowledge and follow God. Whether it’s an illness, a financial crisis, or a broken relationship, we all encounter situations that shake our faith. We all struggle with doubt, and the desire to respond to that doubt by running to something other than God.

Numbers 17 is one of those passages we might just shake our heads at after reading.  The Israelites had a pattern of running from God only to dart back to Him during times of desperation. Yet God continued to welcome them back and make a way for them.

Throughout the Old Testament, God addresses disobedience among His people by providing clear signs. And if we wade through the cultural differences, we see the story of a God who is still willing to extend chance after chance to His people.  

Even though we have the benefit of history and God’s written word, often we still run from God by trusting our own judgment. Sometimes we run to a person. Sometimes we run back to an old habit. Regardless of what we run to, the fact really is the same: We rely on someone or something other than God. The beauty is that in spite of our disobedience, God is always there for us when we turn back to Him.

Life is simple when we choose obedience. The solution to the Israelites' problem is found in Numbers 17:10, “Moses did just as God commanded him.”  When we operate with this one goal in mind — to do as God commands — life is better.


  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how surrendered are you to God’s will?
  • What is one area of your life you need to turn over to God?

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