Session 1

Choosing Contentment

From The Blessed Life

It’s so common. The closets are brimming with the latest fashions. The refrigerator and pantry are stocked with food to suit any palate or craving. The newest vehicles are sitting covered in the garage, and the house itself was finally obtained after a year long search for the very best floor plan. But the hearts inside are empty and restless. There’s class and lots of clutter, but no contentment.

These homeowners don’t need most of what surrounds them. Many objects were obtained in a fit of “retail therapy.” They think the next thing they buy will bring satisfaction. Yet every purchase leaves them pining for more.

Some of the most joyful and least worried people live in underdeveloped countries. Owning things can lead to a crowded heart and mind, squeezing out what really matters. The desire for money for money’s sake can lead to coveting and envy, and then to worry about losing what’s been gained. There’s no contentment there.

The Bible says that “Godliness with contentment is great gain. We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” Don’t we act contrary to this so often? The Bible goes on to say that “if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.”

True contentment brings peace. Not just financial peace, but peace in many areas of our lives. If we stop the relentless pursuit of “stuff,” we will experience true rest.

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