Session 9

Be ready to give a reason for your hope

From Win at Home: A 14-Day Devotional

The word “evangelism” can be intimidating. We imagine knocking on doors or preaching on a soapbox on the streetcorner.

But what if evangelism could be as simple as sharing who God is and what He’s done for you? Not on a soapbox, but around the dinner table or over a cup of coffee on the front porch.

The root of “evangelism” is good news, and the way Jesus saves and transforms us is the best news.

Opportunities to share our stories are all around us. In Acts 17:16-34, we get a picture of what this looks like. Paul noticed the city of Athens was full of idols, including one to an “unknown god.”

Paul didn’t yell at them to repent before they all go to hell. He reasoned with them, starting with what they have in common and sharing how his God is different. Paul didn’t use fancy words or complicated theology. He met the people where they were and told them about God in a way they could understand. As a result, many wanted to hear more (Acts 17:32).

The goal of sharing our stories is to start a conversation, not win an argument. Paul didn’t ridicule the people of Athens for their idol. He treated them with respect as he shared his faith.

1 Peter 3:15 tells us to do the same: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...”

Evangelism doesn’t have to intimidate us. We all have a story of how Jesus changed our lives. We just have to be brave enough to share that story with the people God puts in our path.


  • How comfortable are you sharing what Jesus did for you? Why is that?
  • What’s one thing you learned from seeing how Paul shared the Gospel with the people in Athens?
  • Home is a place where sharing stories feels natural. Have you ever shared your faith story with the people in your home? Why or why not?

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