April 10, 2021

The One True King

Overview: 1 Samuel 7-9, Luke 12:35-59

Samuel leads Israel in repentance from worshipping foreign gods and ends their oppression at the hand of the Philistines. The people of Israel demand a King, so God tells Samuel to find Saul and anoint him to be their leader.

In Luke 12, Jesus prepared His disciples for life without Him. He emphasized the importance of walking in faith and not unbelief so that their hearts will be ready for His imminent return.

Observation and Activation

The Israelites demanded a human king for their nation, which was ultimately a rejection of the kingship of God. They ignored God’s warning, so He appointed Saul to be their King. He didn’t fulfill their request because it was good, but He will bring good out of it by raising up the line of David. 

Jesus prepared the hearts of His followers for His return. To be ready, we must confess our sins and seek the Lord’s will in all things. Are you living your life as if the Lord could come at any moment?

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