April 20, 2021

Kingdom Come

Overview: 2 Samuel 4-6, Luke 17:20-37

2 Samuel tells the story of David becoming king of Judah, and eventually of all Israel. As David brings together the 12 tribes, he makes Jerusalem the political and religious capital of united Israel. 

In Luke, Jesus continues his journey to Jerusalem, teaching his disciples along the way. He explains how the coming of the kingdom of God is both “already” and “not yet.”

Observation and Activation 
“And David became greater and greater, for the Lord, the God of hosts, was with him.” - 2 Samuel 5:10

David becomes King over all Israel, leading the army to conquer Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:4-7) and to defeat the Philistines (2 Samuel 5:17-26). King David then celebrates before the Lord with all his might because the ark is now at home with Israel.

The Pharisees were looking for a political kingdom that would be established by the new David leading a conquering army. Jesus corrects them, saying it will come quietly and is already in their midst. 

In what ways can you see the kingdom of God in your life in ways that you would not have expected?

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