April 6, 2021

The Power of Resting at Jesus’ Feet

Overview: Judges 19-21, Luke 10:25-42

The book of Judges closes with appalling stories of the evil and depravity that run rampant in Israel without a godly king to lead them. In Israel, sexual immorality is at its worst as “all the people did what was right in their own eyes.” 

In Luke, Jesus shows that to live by the law is to see people as neighbors to love. Instead of Martha’s busywork, Mary chooses the good portion by sitting at Jesus’ feet to listen to his teaching.

Observation and Activation

In Judges, the depths of depravity in Israel have now been reached. The heartlessness and disdain for the innocent echo the sin of Sodom in Genesis 19. A message was sent to all 12 tribes so that they could see how far their sin had taken them with the eventual result being a civil war.

There is a time to love your neighbor like the Good Samaritan and a time to rest in Christ to overflow His love to others. Are you more like Martha, distracted with serving, or Mary, who chose the good portion?

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