April 8, 2021

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Listening Patiently for the Lord

Overview: 1 Samuel 1-3, Luke 11:29-54

The book of 1 Samuel is named for the prophet Samuel, a man of God who led Israel in the period between the Judges and Israel’s first king, Saul. As you read, notice that before he was born, his mother Hannah prayed to God and waited for God. 

In Luke, Jesus responds to people who either wanted proof that He was the Messiah or were critical of who He claimed to be. He uses a well-known story from the Old Testament, Jonah, to foreshadow His death and resurrection.

Observation and Activation

Samuel’s mother was a woman of faith named Hannah, who prayed for a child for many years. She never stopped believing that God was faithful to hear her prayers. After he was born, Hannah dedicated Samuel back to God for service in the temple. 

Jesus used the story of Jonah as a sign that He would spend three days in the tomb between His death and resurrection. Did you notice that Jesus used meals as teaching opportunities? Could you do the same thing today and talk to someone about what God has done for you over lunch or coffee?

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