Dec. 27, 2021

The Fall of Babylon

Overview: Zechariah 7-8, Revelation 18

Zechariah gives oracles and visions that call out the hypocrisy of religious activities that do not honor God. The Lord turns His people’s attention from fasts to feasts, reminding them to reflect His justice and love. Zechariah promises a future filled with God’s presence and purpose, to bless all nations through His people. 

In Revelation, John witnesses a vision of the final judgment of the wickedness on the earth. Babylon the prostitute represents the seeming greatness of human achievement and power. But no sin or earthly kingdom will prevail before God. 

It can be easy for us to get caught up in church activities and practices. But more than these, God wants us to reflect His justice and love every day. It’s also easy to be discouraged by the sin we see around us. Today’s readings remind us that God will prevail, and no sin will be left unaccounted for.

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