Jan. 23, 2021

Exodus 1 and Exodus 2

The book of Exodus is the story of God delivering His people from slavery and oppression by drawing them out of Egypt to lead them into the promised land. The name “Exodus” comes from the Greek title of the book and means “departure,” giving the reader a preview of the events that will soon take place.

The story explains how the sons of Israel went from prosperity in the days of Joseph to ruthless slavery several generations later. The new Pharaoh does not know Joseph, and his lack of relationship with the people of Israel leads to suspicion and oppression.

In the midst of this oppression, the reader is introduced to the birth of a deliverer who will draw out the people of Israel from their slavery in Egypt. The name “Moses” sounds like the Hebrew word "mashah" meaning to draw out.

“And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel—and God knew. ” - Exodus 2:24-25
Matthew 15:21-39

Jesus begins his mission to the Gentiles, fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham that through him “all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3) Matthew’s Jewish audience would have been shocked that Jesus even spoke to a Canaanite woman. Yet Jesus heals her daughter from demonic oppression.

The Canaanites were often seen as the enemies of the house of Israel in the Old Testament. Jesus’ compassion for this woman and her daughter was a striking preview of the inclusive nature of the kingdom of heaven. 

When Jesus feeds the four thousand, He shows that just as He provided for the people of Israel in Matthew 14:13-21, He now provides for the Gentiles. Jesus is the bread of life for people from all nations who place their faith in Him.

Make It Personal
  • What pain in your life do you need God to know about? Take comfort that God hears your groaning, God remembers his promises to you, God sees you, and God knows.
  • When have you seen the Lord heal you or provide for you? Take time to thank Him this morning that He has included you in His kingdom. 
Learn More

Want to learn more about the book of Exodus? Check out this article for an overview of everything you need to know. 

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