July 9, 2021

The Lord Directs Our Steps

Overview: Psalm 16-18, Acts 16:1-15

In these three psalms, David offers praise, prayer, and thanksgiving to the living God. David knows it is the Lord who instructs his heart and directs his steps.

David is thoughtful (Psalm 16), under pressure (Psalm 17), and looking back at God’s provision (Psalm 18). In all circumstances, David’s gaze and his trust are in the Lord’s faithfulness.

“I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me." - Psalm 16:7

Paul’s second missionary journey has two purposes. They encourage existing churches and they plant new churches in Gentile regions. At every turn, Paul and his coworkers depend on the Lord’s divine direction for their journey. 

What's happening at NewSpring Church?

  • Need to Know: Weekly email to keep you informed about what's happening at NewSpring
  • Fuse News: Email for Fuse parents sent on the first Monday of the month
  • KidSpring Scoop: Email sent each Friday with the scoop on what's happening in KidSpring.
  • Read My Bible: Daily devotional sent via text from 6-7am
