June 22, 2021

Chosen to Serve

Overview: Job 11-12, Acts 6

Job’s friends continue to lecture him in the midst of his troubles. Job replies by challenging their "wisdom." The dialogue explores the relationship between Job’s suffering and his standing before God. 

In Jerusalem, the growth of the church created problems, so the apostles appoint seven men to administer within the community. One of which is Stephen, who is later arrested for witnessing about the resurrected Jesus. 

In what ways could you be of service to those around you, with more than words? Write down and reach out to some friends today to see how you might help them.

What's happening at NewSpring Church?

  • Need to Know: Weekly email to keep you informed about what's happening at NewSpring
  • Fuse News: Email for Fuse parents sent on the first Monday of the month
  • KidSpring Scoop: Email sent each Friday with the scoop on what's happening in KidSpring.
  • Read My Bible: Daily devotional sent via text from 6-7am
