March 31, 2021

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Who is this Jesus?

Overview: Judges 1-3, Luke 7:31-50

The book of Judges is named for the 12 “judges” (civil and military leaders) of Israel between Joshua and Samuel. The book starts with an introduction to Israel’s downward spiral into apostasy and the need for a godly king. 

In Luke 7, Jesus continues his ministry in Galilee. As you read, reflect on how the passage answers the question posed in verse 49, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?”

Observation and Activation
“But whenever the judge died, they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them.” - Judges 2:19

The warnings from Moses and Joshua about not following the Lord begin to be realized. Israel begins a downward spiral of compromise, oppression, and brief deliverance before turning away from the Lord again. Even though he allows them to be tested, the Lord promises to keep his covenant with Israel (Judges 2:1). 

In Luke, Jesus shows his divine nature and authority by forgiving a woman’s sins. As you reflect on the reading today, answer this question for yourself… “Who is this Jesus?” (Luke 7:49)

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