May 3, 2021

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Father Forgive Them

Overview: 1 Kings 15-16, Luke 23:26-56

The author of 1 Kings continues to tell the story of the kings of Judah and Israel, measuring their faithfulness by whether they are "like David" or not.

In Luke, even as Jesus walks to the cross He shows a beautiful grace to those around Him. His death offers salvation to His enemies, as He asks the Father to forgive them as “they know not what they do.”

Observation and Activation

Kings in the Old Testament come and go. Those who rule by God’s direction receive blessing and those who choose to sin do not. No matter the lineage, God uses the stories of imperfect people in the Bible to lead to Jesus, the Messianic King.

Jesus’ upside-down kingdom in the New Testament contrasts with the kingdoms of the Old Testament. Jesus ruled with power by grace and humility instead of oppression and sin. Does the crucifixion of Jesus change the way you treat those around you?

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