Oct. 31, 2021

The Need for Leadership

Overview: Jeremiah 41-42, Titus 1

God judges Judah for their futile rebellions against Him and His judgments. Their rebellion against Babylon shows their opposition to God’s will. When the people go to Jeremiah for guidance on what to do during the Babylonian captivity, Jeremiah reports that God wants them to stay in the land. The Lord will build them up and deliver them. To flee to Egypt would be a rejection of the Lord’s plan of salvation for them. 

Paul writes his letter to Titus to guide him on the organization and leadership of the church in Crete. The main theme of the letter is the link between right belief and right behavior. Paul gives Titus qualifications for choosing elders, showing that the gospel results in godliness. He charges Titus to rebuke false teachers who claim to know God but deny Him with their actions. 

The church at Crete could be difficult to shepherd at times, but Titus was instructed to hold his ground and rebuke those who did not live godly lives. How do these passages speak to you as a leader in your home, your small group, your work environment, or amongst your friends? 

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