God has proven Himself faithful to us — year after year.

The Overflow Offering is an opportunity to trust God as we allow His generosity to flow through us. This year's Overflow Offering will focus on advancing Vision 2030 by building a permanent home for NewSpring Aiken and supporting future church plants.

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The Overflow Story

God always provides for us.

For several years, we wanted to focus on building His kingdom in South Carolina. That's what led us to start the annual rhythm of the Overflow Offering. Over the years, we’ve been able to celebrate all that God has done in our state.

In 2020, the Leadership Team at NewSpring set a goal to be debt-free, have all NewSpring Campuses in permanent facilities, and plant 10 churches around the globe by 2030. The Overflow Offering helps make this vision a reality.

Our City, Our State, and Our World

We were able to give $5.3M to local and global churches and mission partners. Not only that, but we were able to invest in NewSpring campuses across the state and establish NewSpring Greenville (formerly NewSpring Eastlan) in their permanent home!

Bluffton Campus

We were able to purchase and renovate a facility for NewSpring Bluffton, formerly known as the Hilton Head Campus. They went from meeting on Sunday nights at New Life Church to moving into their own permanent home in July 2021!

Aiken Land

NewSpring Aiken continues to outgrow their space rapidly; what a great problem to have! We needed room to grow. Thanks to our generous church, we were able to purchase land for Aiken’s permanent facility.

Eliminate Debt Balance

In 2017, our leadership team made a decision not to accrue new debt. Within six years, we paid off $45M! Now that NewSpring Church is officially debt free, we are free to listen to God’s voice and obey without debt as an obstacle.

Build Aiken Campus and Fund Future Church Plants

Because of your generosity, we were able to purchase the land for the new Aiken Campus in 2021. But Aiken's story isn't done yet! We can't wait to see the miracles that will take place as we make room for God to move.

We've already planted one church, and we now have nine to go! This year's offering will accelerate this vision and help the good news reach new cities around the globe.

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The Aiken Story

We want NewSpring Aiken to point people to Jesus.

Our hope is that our buildings would be spaces where the local communities surrounding them can gather to worship, grow, and connect with each other. That’s why we want every NewSpring campus to exist in a permanent home by 2030.

Check out the video below to learn more about these buildings’ intentional design.

We can’t wait to hear more stories of life change from Aiken; stories like Cody's, Laura and Roy's, and Janiya's.

“Being part of the Aiken Campus taught me that doing life and ministry closely with people — who ultimately become family — is everything.”

Cody experienced life changing community when he started attending Fuse in Aiken as a teenager. In 2019 Cody felt a call to ministry at our church wide summer camp, Gauntlet. A year later Cody moved to Anderson, SC, to help build community in the youth and young adult minitries in the upstate. Cody now serves Fuse campuses all across the state as a member of our Fuse Support Team!

Cody Boynton
Former Aiken Fuse Student

“On our first Sunday, we turned to our daughter and said, ‘We don’t know how you feel — but this is our church forever!’”

Roy and Laura have been a part of NewSpring for many years. In 2021, Roy went through a major health event and was in and out of the hospital for a long time. Through all of the ups and downs, Roy and Laura felt so supported by the church. Their home group took care of them and met every need they had; all they had to do was ask. Since then, Roy made a truly miraculous recovery!

Roy and Laura Beck
Aiken Volunteers

“NewSpring has become like another home for me!”

Janiya is a ninth-grader who started coming to Fuse Student Ministry last year. She fell in love with it and keeps bringing tons of her friends back to Fuse on Wednesday nights! Janiya has an amazing heart for others and just began to serve in KidSpring on Sundays! Her joy is infectious, and now, her family attends church with her, too.

Janiya Jackson
Aiken Fuse Student

What is an offering?

You may have heard people say “we bring our tithes and offerings” before. Why say both? What is the difference? The word tithe means “a tenth.” The principle of tithing is found in Scripture even before the law was given by God to the Israelites.

We believe the Bible is clear that tithing is a way that believers can show they trust God to provide and are grateful. An offering is anything beyond that 10%. It’s something we give in response to what God has done and is doing.

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Total Given


Unique Givers


Days Left


Year in Review

Annual Report

All numbers rounded to the nearest ten thousand.

2022 Income

General Tithes & Offerings

$41.85m 91%

Overflow Fund

$3.48m 7.5%

The Gauntlet Fund

$0.70m 1.5%

2022 Expenses

Next Generation

$10.52m 23.73%

Gatherings, Events, & Facilities

$18.54m 41.81%

Discipleship, Outreach, & Missions

Of this, over $4.48m was given to local and global mission partners!

$7.52m 16.96%

Support Operational Expenses

$7.76m 17.5%

For further questions, please contact us — we'd love to help!

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