Session 14

A Well Built House

From 1 Peter: A 20-Day Devotional

House hunting can be quite an adventure. A quick look may not show us if the house is well built, but time spent looking around can reveal a lot. A look under the surface gives signs of either a sturdy or unstable structure. The quality of the building materials is proven by how the house stands up to wind and rain.

1 Peter 2:6 calls Jesus, “a chosen and precious cornerstone.” People who follow Jesus have their lives built on Him, a solid foundation. A life built on our connection with God is far better than any foundation we try to create for ourselves. We don’t have to live in fear or without hope because we have a safe place to stand!

In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells the story of two builders. One built his house on the rock and one on the sand. The storms and winds came but the house built on the rock stood tall, while the house built on sand fell to the ground. People following Jesus still face troubles, but we can be assured we are standing on a sturdy structure.

When Jesus is our foundation, we can withstand anything that comes our way. Storms are no match for the safety God provides.


  • Have you built your life on the foundation of Jesus?
  • If you follow Jesus, how have you experienced His safety in the middle of a storm?
  • What is one thing you can thank God for this week?

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