Meet our new church planters!

As a church, NewSpring aims to plant 10 churches by 2030. This is part of a wider vision that we’ve labeled Vision 2030. Most of this year’s Overflow Offering will help us build a permanent home for the Aiken Campus, but a portion of all funds raised will also go toward future church plants. We want to identify, train, and send out people we believe God has called and are ready to start a new church — not a NewSpring campus.

It is with great joy we get to share two future church plants in motion. These churches will be started through the NewSpring Network, and we believe God will raise up other people in our church who will feel called to go and be a part of these church plants!

Josh and Tayla Bull


Josh and Tayla Bull will start a new church, Society, in Melbourne, Australia, in 2025. Josh and Tayla Bull have been married for nine years and have two wonderful boys, Elijah (3) and Zane (1). In 2017, the Bulls moved to South Carolina from Australia to be part of the NewSpring Church family. Josh and Tayla have spent the past 10 years serving the next generation as youth and young adult pastors, including a season leading those ministries at NewSpring.

The Bulls are passionate about building the local church and believe God wants to do a mighty work in Australia. The Bulls plan to move to Melbourne in the first half of 2024 and launch Society in 2025. Melbourne is Australia’s largest city, with a population of over 5 million people. Melbourne is richly diverse, with more than 140 cultures and 55% of Melbourne’s population born overseas.

Melbourne is best known for its restaurants, sporting culture, artistry and fashion, central business district, leading universities, and breathtaking landscapes. Yet, there is a desperate need for churches. The number of Australians attending church regularly is less than 10%, and the number of people identifying as having ‘no religion’ on the Australian census is increasing.

To learn more about how you can partner with Society, receive news and updates, move and join the launch team, or give directly to this vision, visit or contact Josh directly at

Chris and Kathleen Dew


Chris and Kathleen Dew will start Artisan City Church in St Petersburg, Florida, in 2025. Artisan City exists to see the beauty of Jesus portrayed in the people and city of St. Pete.Chris and Kathleen have been married for seven years and have two beautiful daughters, Evelyn (2) and Quinn (4 months). Chris got saved at NewSpring Florence on Christmas Eve in 2010 while in rehab for heroin addiction.

After watching God radically transform his life, Chris launched Chris Dew Ministries and has been preaching the Gospel and teaching the Bible ever since. He’s had the privilege of speaking at churches, conferences, student events, rehabs, and jails. Chris is currently working on a master’s degree in theological studies and is the author of “The Real Answer to Addiction.”

The Dews plan to move to St. Petersburg in early 2025 and launch public services in the downtown urban core later that year. St. Pete is a beautiful city and a hub of creativity, art, and unique cultural expression.

Out of the quarter million people who call St. Pete home, more than 80% are unchurched or de-churched. One researcher ranked it in the top six “godless” cities in America. Every 43 hours, someone else dies from a drug overdose in the county. The Dews can’t wait to see people meet Jesus, to see addicts set free, and to see culture renewed! To learn more about how you can partner with Artisan City, receive news and updates, move and join the launch team, or give directly to this vision, visit or contact Chris directly at

We’re prayerful and expectant to see God move beautifully in Melbourne and St. Petersburg. If you’ve given to NewSpring, you’ve had a part in making these church plants a reality. We’ll share more about these church plants in the coming months and update you on how God moves.

Dec 7, 2023

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