
I’m learning to love the wait for "the one"

singleness identity dating relationships waiting future

In her mid-20s, Larsen Kiser has never seriously dated. She’s learned there’s nothing to fear in waiting on God

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5 common questions about dating

dating relationships sex

Navigating the dating world as a Christian is a difficult task. There are so many different examples of how to date floating around us, a...

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How to be a girl worth pursuing (and why that matters)

singleness dating women love

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I’m reminded again of my singleness. As a woman of the Lord, I know my strength is found in...

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Three tips for starting over after a divorce

community dating divorce self worth

The drive home from the courthouse was harder than I anticipated. After months of counseling, hard conversations, and grief-stricken pray...

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I’ve already had sex, why stop now?

dating love relationships sex purity

For too long, I believed that to make a man happy, I needed to fulfill him sexually. I thought that if I didn’t give my man se...

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What mission trips tell you about a man’s character

dating relationships responsibility missions

I have always been drawn to other cultures. From a young age, I was fascinated by countries outside the United States. I was mesmerized w...

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My escape from a boyfriend who beat me

family healing community dating abuse salvation baptism relationships provision self worth

Jessica Long was trapped in an abusive relationship until she unexpectedly discovered hope for a fresh start.

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Love me Tinder? The struggle of dating in a digital age

marriage singleness dating relationships

Let’s just be perfectly honest: Dating isn’t easy. Honestly, I would argue that it’s not even fun.  Technology has...

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Why sex before marriage is settling for less than God’s best

dating sex purity

As the grand finale to His creation, God created Adam in Genesis 2. Even before Adam came on the scene, God declared that everything He f...

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15 ways to help you date your spouse again

marriage dating love husbands wives

The biggest hindrance to date night is rarely a lack of desire. Often we’re so busy, broke, and tired that the idea of planning som...

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How will you find the right spouse?

marriage dating relationships

You’ll never find a suitable spouse if you’re not willing to change yourself first. About half of us will be married at some...

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Finding true love: It’s not as flashy or simple as The Bachelorette

dating love relationships living together

The Bachelorette may seem like trash TV to some, but to others it is a guilty pleasure that goes beyond reason. I jumped on the bandwagon...

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