
If I have doubts, am I really a Christian?

doubt discipleship

It can be difficult to keep my game face on 100 percent of the time. I believe, but I still have questions. For years, Christians who ex...

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How to know your Bible without being a jerk

compassion bible anger discipleship

I love the Bible. I also love to be right. So I get it. When my ego gets involved in spiritual conversations, I can wield the Bible as a...

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How to find the right mentor

community friendship discipleship

It was 29 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. My husband and I were at a high school football game. A couple from church ...

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Are you planting the kind of life you want to grow?

planning discipleship decision making goals

“Be careful, you reap what you sow.”  If you’re like me, this phrase may strike some fear. When I was younger, it...

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Why is church important?

community church discipleship

When the Church began 2,000 years ago, people imprisoned and stoned believers for sharing the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. Inq...

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Is the Bible still relevant?

bible discipleship

We have all heard the argument that the Bible is an out-of-touch, ancient book that is no longer relevant in today’s modern world. ...

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5 important but hard questions for friends to ask

community friendship accountability discipleship

Do you have one of those friends you will answer any question you throw at them? Do you have friends who will ask you those hard question...

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Is what I just heard God’s truth or someone’s idea about it?

bible promises discipleship

"God helps those who help themselves." "God never puts more on us than we can handle." "Never judge anyone." "God is love. He wouldn&#...

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How to help your child choose the right friends

parenting friendship discipleship

Each stage of parenting has its own challenges. Sleepless nights and chasing toddlers soon turn into challenges that reach beyond the hom...

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Top 10 stories about addictions and struggles

freedom identity abuse addiction sex abortion discipleship rape

NewSpring believes that every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God. Watch and read our favorit...

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Two lies you might believe when the spiritual high ends

salvation faith friendship discipleship

I’ll never forget the feeling. The weight of all the doubt, sin, anxiety, and fear lifted off my shoulders. The moment I decided t...

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3 Reasons Missionary Dating Is a Bad Idea

evangelism dating relationships discipleship

They’re really cute, you get along well, and if you brought them to church long enough, surely, Jesus would get their attention. Ri...

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