
Think only perfect moms make it in the Bible? Think again

mistakes grace parenting mothers

Have you ever met those moms that have it all together?   I am not that mom. More times than I’d like to admit, I have forgot...

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Three things cheating on a test taught me about grace

forgiveness grace honesty

In my last semester of college, I cheated on an exam. I handed in my test and as the paper fell into my professor’s hand, I felt a...

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10 ways to show your spouse “I believe in you”

marriage relationships grace

One of my favorite musicians, Dave Barnes, has a song that explains my marriage perfectly. It’s called “My love, my enemy.&rd...

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Our marriage was over, but we found the hope to begin again

healing hope marriage salvation forgiveness love grace divorce promises reconciliation husbands remarriage

Lindsay and Jeff Oehmen were divorced and living in separate states, but a divine intervention brought their family of four back together.

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How to beat the odds in parenting

children grace parenting

A recap of Brad Cooper’s sermon, “How To Beat The Odds In Parenting,” in 140 characters or less. God is for our ki...

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Why your child’s behavior doesn’t define you

community children grace parenting mothers

The day I abandoned a full cart of groceries and carried a screaming, flailing, tutu-clad 3-year-old out of the store is one for the memo...

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Should I tell my friend the truth she doesn’t want to hear?

ethics truth grace honesty friendship

“So it’s not really an affair. We haven’t done anything physical.” I freeze. Inside I cringe but I try to keep m...

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What Not To Say To Someone Struggling With Doubt

doubt grace suffering

Is it possible to believe in God’s ability to do all things, yet wrestle with uncertainty and doubt? We’re not the first to ...

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To The Mother of a Child with Disabilities

grace parenting mothers

At moments, the world seems to stop, and you realize your life will be forever changed.  Twenty weeks pregnant with my first child, ...

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I Tried To Kill Myself, But Grace Intervened

suicide depression hope grace

Suicide. A word that is often part of a joke or casual conversation. To many, it is a distant concept. To those of us who have been the...

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Two Ways We Mishandle Grace

jesus forgiveness grace

Grace. The expression of God’s goodness to us, an undeserving people. It’s a sunset. It’s chocolate and mashed potatoe...

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Bullet Point Parenting: Disciplining With Grace

discipline grace parenting

Your 4-year-old breaks your favorite Christmas ornament after you’ve repeatedly told her to leave the tree alone. You’re sad ...

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