
Blood And Sacrifice: The Battle Of A Soldier’s Soul

freedom healing serving

Ryan Hulon served seven years as an infantry paratrooper in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division, where he experienced the brutal realiti...

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An eating disorder dominated Melodie’s life until she recognized what she was really battling

healing salvation beauty shame body image jealousy comparison

Melodie Webber struggled with an eating disorder — both loving and hating herself for it — until she found satisfaction ...

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Missing the love of my father

healing fatherhood love relationships self worth

Charlene Patterson searched for satisfaction in relationships because she could not satisfy her need for a father's love. Watch her s...

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How my missionary journey led to redemption

healing addiction mistakes

Meagan White returned to Belgium as a missionary and learned how her own troubled past could be redeemed.

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I Gave Jesus My Pain

depression anxiety healing abuse sex calling

Wesley Hogue spent his adolescence struggling with depression and anxiety until he learned to rely on Jesus’ strength, rather than ...

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What to do when a spouse’s anger turns violent

healing marriage abuse

He had promised to love and cherish her forever. One night though, my dad's verbal assaults turned physical and he hurt the woman he ...

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How to help a hurting friend

healing friendship grief suffering

Divorce, bankruptcy, death, sometimes life hits like a train. What do you do when a family member or close friend finds themselves in a d...

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Courageous Grace - Sharie King’s Story

healing abuse miracles rescue grace

Sharie King was tormented for four years through sexual abuse at the hands of a family member until one day she dared to believe God coul...

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He Conquered My Struggle - Lindsay Morgan’s Story

healing addiction grace body image eating disorders

Lindsay Morgan's battle with bulimia was miraculously overcome when Jesus showed her His love during a mission trip to Jamaica. Here ...

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This couple’s beautiful life rose out of the ashes

healing marriage success salvation addiction health suffering

Bill and Sabra Nickas' marriage survived drug abuse, a business bust, and cancer, and God gave them the strength to endure.

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The Miracle Seed: How faith flourished between two families connected by a farm

healing marriage money suffering

Nelson Bishop met Jesus after a work accident, and his remarkable transformation impacted a farming family forever

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