death resurrection easter
On the road to Emmaus, two disciples had an encounter with the resurrected Jesus that changed everything for them.
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resurrection jesus easter gospel
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote their Gospels so that we could know who Jesus is. But as Peter discovered on the first Easter, it’s o...
resurrection victory condemnation easter
Scripture tells us there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Let’s live a life celebrating that reality!
eternity resurrection salvation jesus
For many, this Easter was like every other. The Easter Bunny left his eggs, families gathered around Sunday brunch, and many attende...
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resurrection promises easter
Without Easter, the Bible would be useless. Our whole faith and the power behind everything we believe and teach are wrapped up in the fa...
resurrection easter
In 2016, Apple gave us its greatest contribution to photograph yet: portrait mode. They should have named it "pretty mode" for the way it...
resurrection doubt easter
Before I became a Christian, I spent a dozen years as a journalist — collecting differing and sometimes opposing viewpoints on cert...
resurrection hope salvation jesus
Easter isn’t an event to recognize but a daily reality to live by. When Jesus suffered and died on the cross and rose from a borro...
resurrection salvation jesus easter
Jesus endured pain and suffering on the cross. He died with the weight of our sins on His shoulders. His body was placed in a tomb. Ever...
resurrection salvation jesus religion
Everyone puts their faith in something. Some people put their faith in scientific theories. Others put their faith in family, politics, c...
resurrection jesus suffering
There are times in your life when you just cannot see Jesus. The cares and worries you face each day seem to obscure your view of Christ...
heaven eternity resurrection church
Nicknamed “the Bible Belt,” living in the South can feel like you’re living in the land of 1,000 churches. Churc...