
How do I know I’m saved?

salvation following jesus

Did I remember to unplug the curling iron? Did I study hard enough for this exam? Did I lock the door before we left for vacation? Am ...

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How to spend time with Jesus in every season

bible prayer busyness following jesus

My hair is still wet. I’m running 15 minutes behind. No clue what I’m going to wear. My eyes dart over to the Bible on my bed...

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5 questions to help you read the Bible

bible following jesus

If you’ve spent some time reading the Bible and trying to study God’s Word, you’ve probably experienced this situation:...

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Two people your Christmas play probably forgot

salvation jesus christmas faith following jesus

Growing up in a small town in the South, you didn't have to be a Christian to know the Christmas story. Every church puts on the sam...

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How to know when to speak as the parent and when to love like a friend

family children parenting kids following jesus

As my daughter ages, it’s genuinely exciting to watch her mature and start looking more like an adult than a child. I have to hold ...

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The best question to ask before disciplining your kids

family children parenting kids following jesus

As parents, the challenge we face when it comes to disciplining our children isn’t a lack of information. No generation of parents ...

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Why you should take back your family calendar

freedom time management stress following jesus

At the end of a typically crazy busy week, we look in the mirror on Sunday morning and wonder, Why are we doing this? Though divorce, ad...

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How distance in marriage can be a good thing

family marriage jesus relationships following jesus

I made it to my car before I started crying. I had just kissed my husband goodbye before he boarded an airplane that would take him out o...

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I Am the True Vine

death jesus truth fear following jesus

A recap of Brad Cooper’s sermon, “I Am the True Vine,” in 140 characters or less. To abide is to remain, to connect,...

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Do I have to obey the government?

obedience following jesus patriotism current events

“If (insert candidate here) gets elected, I’m moving to Canada.” I’ve heard that statement more in the last six ...

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Do Christians have to vote Republican?

jesus politics following jesus current events

The goal of this article isn’t to tell you how to vote, but to give you a framework for how to know what Jesus is guiding you to do...

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Are you making the most of technology in your spiritual life?

bible culture following jesus technology

I grew up in a traditional Baptist church where a leather-bound Bible was part of going to church. As much a part of church as clip-on ti...

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