
The Importance of Consistency

discipline money salvation

To accomplish anything great, it will usually require consistent effort over long periods of time. Here are some examples:Run a 26.2...

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The Nativity You Know Is A Lie

salvation jesus christmas traditions

We’re all familiar with the scene. It’s a quiet, starlit evening, Mary and Joseph are reclining comfortably in a quaint count...

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The Best Gift Ever

salvation jesus faith

What was your best gift ever? My top three:                         &nbs...

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God doesn’t give white elephants

salvation doubt unbelief grace

White elephant gift exchanges always end badly.   The way the game works, everyone brings a gift then you draw numbers to see who g...

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Can I Lose My Salvation? Sermon in 60 Seconds

salvation doubt holy spirit

Check out this 1 minute clip from Clayton King on "Can I lose my salvation?" You can't lose your salvation if it's really real. ...

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Can I be a Christian and continue to struggle with the same sin?

salvation temptation repentance

A recap from Perry Noble's sermon “Can I Be a Christian and Continue to Struggle with the Same Sin?” in 140 characte...

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How To Unlock The Power Of Your Story

evangelism salvation jesus

Knowing and sharing our story is a part of God's plan to use every follower of Jesus to change the world. Our biggest challenge is t...

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For Better or Worse- Angel Saverance’s Story

marriage salvation victory

David and Angel Saverance fought constantly until Jesus became the center of their marriage. This is their story in Angel’s words...

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Is the Gospel really good news?

salvation joy gospel

Ten years ago, a medical doctor delivered some frightening news to me. I had just returned from a cross-country preaching trip to Washin...

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Working to Win Hearts – Lee and Kim Perkins’ Story

evangelism community salvation friendship

Lee and Kim Perkins realized their small group was the key to helping their friends meet Jesus when their invitations to church were cont...

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Making His Joy My Own - Amber Moore’s Story

salvation joy regret

Amber Moore didn’t understand why she wasn’t experiencing the same joy as other Christians around her, until she realized she’d been tryi...

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Feel like the prodigal son? Come home

freedom evangelism church salvation

Check out this powerful spoken word video retelling the story of the prodigal son. Jesus said in Luke 15 He will give up everything...

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