
8 Blessings We Get From Serving

serving blessing

We all want our lives to matter. It’s the reason we do the things we do. We chase promotions and leadership positions because we wa...

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Not “Just A Volunteer” - How Brandon Wilson Became a Difference Maker After Being Hurt by a Church

community serving jesus relationships worship volunteering

The next time you hear someone say, “I’m just a volunteer,” pause the conversation. Brandon Wilson is living proof...

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10 Easy Ways to Serve Someone Today

serving jesus generosity giving

Is serving really a big deal? According to Jesus, it is.  In Mark 10:45, Jesus said “For even the Son of Man did not come to ...

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Blood And Sacrifice: The Battle Of A Soldier’s Soul

freedom healing serving

Ryan Hulon served seven years as an infantry paratrooper in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division, where he experienced the brutal realiti...

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The one thing you can count on is change

money serving planning future

Having a plan doesn’t prevent challenges. Sometimes, life gets more difficult because our circumstances are not what we’ve pl...

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Retirement is a myth

serving purpose work

Many of us anticipate the day we can enjoy the spoils of decades working for the man. We’ve put money away in 401Ks and retirement ...

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Following Jesus in a World That Doesn’t

obedience serving bible culture

The world gives us so many ways to conform through advertising, TV shows and movies. We’re told that if we wear the right clothes, ...

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Serving With A Full Heart - Mike Link’s Story

serving joy purpose volunteering

Mike Link talks about his passion for volunteering so others could encounter the same love of Jesus he had. Watch the video ..

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Serving My Purpose - Scott Bostick’s Story

freedom addiction serving purpose

Scott Bostick chased highs and attention until he found Jesus’s purpose for his life. This is his story in his own words...

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Working Without Faith - Tara Marcella’s story

obedience church serving faith

Tara Marcella was actively involved in church her whole life, but she didn’t know she was missing out on what God really wanted for her l...

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What If I Said No?

obedience serving faith volunteering calling

Keri Morgan struggled in her daily intimacy with Jesus in his word for years until a simple act of obedience unlocked faith for her ...

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