Session 44
Jesus’ Arrest and Trial
From The Life of Jesus: 50 Days in the Book of John
Read John 18:1-27
Now, spend some time reflecting on what you read and what stood out to you.
Peter denied Jesus when things got scary. Often, we know the right thing to do but can be scared to do it because we’re afraid of what others would think. We don’t want to be judged or made fun of. What steps can you take to do the scary things that God is calling you to do … even when it’s hard?
In verse six, Jesus says “I am He,” and the soldiers fall to the ground. What type of authority does Jesus have to be able to say those three words and see men fall to the ground? Think back to when He spoke three words, and Lazarus was raised from the dead. Jesus has the power to create and destroy. Is there anything you need Him to create or destroy in your life?
From verses 19-24, we see Jesus questioned by the High Priest. Though Jesus is the King of the universe, He humbled Himself and allowed them to ask their questions. What does this teach you about humility and not the need to win an argument?
Finally, spend some time responding to Jesus in prayer. What do you want to thank Him for? What do you want to ask Him for? What do you need to confess to Him?