Session 18
The bread of the world
From The Life of Jesus: 50 Days in the Book of John
Read John 6:22-34
Now, spend some time reflecting on what you read and what stood out to you.
- In verse 26, Jesus tells the people He knows they’re seeking Him for what they can get from Him instead of just to know Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to help evaluate your heart. Do you feel like you are following Jesus just for what He can give you? Or are you following Him because you know He’s the best thing you can get?
- Where in your life are you eating “unleavened bread,” figuratively speaking?
- Jesus says when we work toward the bread of this world, it will perish. Is there anything in your life you’re working toward that will have no value in your life?
Finally, spend some time responding to Jesus in prayer. What do you want to thank Him for? What do you want to ask Him for? What do you need to confess to Him?