Session 46
Power belongs to God
From The Life of Jesus: 50 Days in the Book of John
Read John 19:1-27
Now, spend some time reflecting on what you read and what stood out to you.
In verse 11, we see that Jesus says an insane one-liner. Pilate thinks he is in control, but Jesus hits him with the reality that God gave Pilate the “control” he has. We often want to be in control of our lives and believe that we are — ignoring that we can’t even take our next breath on our own. What are some things you try to control in your life?
How can you surrender the things you attempt to control to God?
Do you believe that it’s better for God to be in control of your life? Why or why not?
Finally, spend some time responding to Jesus in prayer. What do you want to thank Him for? What do you want to ask Him for? What do you need to confess to Him?