Session 9
Will you give me a drink?
From The Life of Jesus: 50 Days in the Book of John
Read John 4:1-14
Now, spend some time reflecting on what you read and what stood out to you.
- The story of Jesus and the woman at the well is incredibly significant. We see a broken woman realize that God loves, forgives, and cares about her. Where in your life have you been broken and seen Jesus reach into your mess?
- What do you think Jesus means by John 4:13-14?
- We see Jesus break cultural norms of that time by talking to a woman who looked and acted nothing like Him. What does it look like in your life to model what Jesus did and love people who are different from you?
Finally, spend some time responding to Jesus in prayer. What do you want to thank Him for? What do you want to ask Him for? What do you need to confess to Him?