Session 49
Put your belief into action
From The Life of Jesus: 50 Days in the Book of John
Read John 20:19-31
Now, spend some time reflecting on what you read and what stood out to you.
We see a lot take place in this chapter. Jesus is reunited with His disciples, and they see that He rose from the dead! Don’t miss verses 30 and 31 though; the point of this book is so that we may believe. What changes for you when you put your belief into action?
Verse 25 shows that Thomas had doubts about Jesus truly being raised from the dead. He gets a bad rep for it when—in reality—we all doubt Him often. Is there anywhere in your life you need more faith?
The first thing Jesus said to His disciples after seeing them was “Peace be with you.” Out of all the things He could have said, why do you think He chose to say this?
Finally, spend some time responding to Jesus in prayer. What do you want to thank Him for? What do you want to ask Him for? What do you need to confess to Him?